Relentless volleyball club

Travel program

Learn about the travel dynamic of our program. We travel as a team and stay as a team.  This fosters stronger relationships amongst the team on and off the court and provides invaluable life lessons. 

Travel Program

Our Approach & philosphy

One Band One Sound - We travel together as a team because we believe in building team chemistry no matter where we are. We establish the “Family” mindset by having it be presented whether we are home or not. As soon as we leave home we are together at all times to establish the importance of having each other. Through traveling with each other we notice a team’s chemistry grow greatly which in turn positively affects the team’s overall performance

Where We Travel 

  • USAV Junior National Qualifiers
  • AAU Nationals and Showcases
  • West Coast to East Coast and everywhere in between
  • Traditionally; Utah, Nevada, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona,

travel Program

Coaching Philosphy

Creating Champions - Our coaches approach is to create champions on and off the court. We are devoted to teaching players the game of volleyball as well as teaching life long skills. Skills that translate conquers on the court and off.

Building a safe environment - We emphasize the importance of connection by getting to know and understand our players to create the best environment for the players to learn and grow.

Our Culture and Values

We'll help you get started. Find what you need and keep going.



We are one big family, meaning that we value every individual that walks into the gym. We respect and care for everyone that walks through our doors and we expect that respect and care to be reciprocated to others within our gym.


hard work

RVC is built on hardwork and dedication. We are committed to give 110% of our efforts to our players. We expect a high level of effort and work from our players as well. Our gym is for those taking their game to a higher level and willing to put in the work to do so.



We are a high level volleyball club that has numerous competitors within our gym. We play at a high competitive level at all times.


Full-time Champions

Full-Time Champions - We proud ourselves as being a club that builds champions both on and off the court. We teach the game we all know and love as well as life long skills that players can transfer from the court to everyday reality.



RVC prides itself in the way we approach the volleyball world in a unique light. RVC ensures that it stays consistent with its values while having a unique style in doing so. We capture fun, hard work, competition and family values by moving differently than other volleyball clubs.

Travel Program Faqs

Read through our FAQs or contact us if you want to understand more about our travel programs

Players are at no point during the duration of the trip allowed to be separated from the team. Once players are at the airport to depart, they are to be with their team until their arrival back to Denver. 

Tournament’s website will be sent out to parents before game play. The tournament website will have all information needed such as times and location of play. Coaches/Team moms will be in communication of times and locations with parents.

Food, Hotel, Transportation, and Registration into the tournament are all covered by the membership cost. Players should bring extra money if they want to purchase merchandise from the store or from any sightseeing adventures.

Players will be traveling all as one. We do not have traveling done by individual families/players. Instead, we are one band, one sound which means we move as one!

We are more than willing to accommodate the player's needs. There will need to be prior communication about the player’s special accommodations with coaches, team mom and Ericka. This communication is needed in order to ensure the best accommodations for your player. 

Parents will be given information on what flight the girls will be taking both to and from the tournament. With this parents can then book the same flights for themselves. 

The Team Mom will be chaperoning the girls throughout the duration of the trip. Coaches will also

Team Mom/Dad will be in charge of supplying food for the team, transporting the team to their playing facility and any sightseeing adventures the team has planned. The Team Mom/Dad will be chaperoning the girls at all times that they are not on the court! They will be fully supplied with necessities for the players to ensure they have all that they need throughout the trip!

Depending on the tournament, there will be streaming services to view your player comfortably from your living room. The mainstreaming service many tournaments use will be BallerTV.

Once the team have completed their play for the trip the player is allowed to then bed with their parents. This does require prior communication from parents to coaches and Ericka.

Parent Testimonials


My daughter developed her love of the game here, and discovered her 32” vertical, because her coach saw her talent and drew it out of her. So grateful for this club and the three years she played for RVC. The amazing Director, Ericka, is trustworthy, approachable and professional. They care about the girls and helping every player reach their full potential, teach them to respect themselves and others and reward hard work. I highly recommend RVC!

Richelle - Parent